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TSM Members Town Hall Meeting - February 26, 2020

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Name: TSM Members Town Hall Meeting - February 26, 2020
Date: February 26, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Registration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:


Town Hall Meeting with Members and Associate Members  

This meeting is primarily for the Board of Directors to hear from our Members and Associate Members on any topic related to the industry or the association.

The Board cannot operate in a vacuum and this is an opportunity for the Board to gain insight on the matters our members want the Board to be focused on.

It is also a networking opportunity for our Members and Associate Members. 

Members and Associate Members attending are required to pre-register for the meeting.
Appetizers provided / 2 free drink tickets included.


WEGZ Stadium Bar
2601 Rutherford Road,
Vaughan, Ontario
L4K 2N6


Date/Time Information:

Wednesday February 26, 2020
Contact Information:
Diana Ramirez
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